L'Ampolla (34.28 km2, 1,575 inhabitants) is the youngest municipality of the Baix Ebre, a marine town that has been in fast development over the last twenty years, due to the tourism. Located on the gulf of Sant Jordi , it has a small part of the Ebro delta, the Arenal beach to the bay of the Fangar and la balsa de las ollas, with the river at the bottom. Their slogan testifies this: “L'Ampolla, port of the Delta”. In the North part of the municipality you can find the beach and urbanization of CAP Roig, that finally has integrated to L'Ampolla in the long finalized litigation the 1990 with the segregation of the area of the Perelló. In CAP Roig a defence tower for protection against pirates existed, of whom there is mention of in 1625. |
L'Ampolla was an old inn of the general area of Tortosa, located on the general road to València. The origin of the present town, is in fishing. In the middle of last century there were 11 fishermens11 houses, and the 1860 were already 20. With the construction of the the station of the railway line Tarragona- València (1867) it became the bathing area for a great part of the, especially from Tortosa, where there was a special train for bathers. At the end of the last century it had 420 inhabitants. The municipality iforms part of the old Caseria del Roquer, next to Camarles. In the bay of the Fangar aquaculture has been developed. There are breeding grounds and a water purifier for seafood. The strong growth of the last years, comes mainly from the tourism. It is the “ beach of Tortosa ”, thousands of “Tortosinos” go there on summer Sundays or have acquired villas or apartments and spend their holidays there. The number of visitors from the Barcelona area is also important as is the increase of foreign visitors. Restaurants, bars, villas and apartments have proliferated, but not hotels. The port has been recently extended (1991-92) and is now is more important as a marine than a fishing port. One of thebiggest projects is the improvement of the seafront facade. Roman and pre-Roman vestiges have been found in the area, the most important being the “antofixes” found 1920, cooked mud elements that have the shape of woman faces from Greek times. The parochial church (1892) is dedicated to Sant Joan Baptisat. The CN-340 highway passes through L'Ampolla along with the road to Deltebre and the A-7 motorway passes by, of which there is an exit. A main road to L´Ametlla by the coast will soon be built and the railroad from Tarragona-València also passes by.. |
Name :L´Ampolla
Description : Typical sea town with very good services for tourism
Places of interest : Enjoy ther variety of beaches, the gastronomy and relaxation in this seaside town
Beaches:Cap Roig and L'Ampolla's own beaches with different charectaristics, coves sandy beaches and pebble beaches. |